United Way of Lane county’s

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Equity Statement:

By co-creating solutions with those impacted by disparities, we can improve outcomes for everyone in Lane County.

United Way works to create opportunities for a better life for all by investing in children’s success. In Lane County, many children and their families do not have the same opportunities and outcomes as their peers. This is due to systemic barriers that deny them access because of aspects of their identities.

These disparities exist within education, income, and health, and impact people of color, those experiencing poverty, living in rural locales, LQBTQ+ communities, and those with other marginalized* identities at much higher rates. We also know that these disparities are compounded for those with multiple marginalized identities.

We cannot reach our mission without addressing the systemic barriers – within our society, and within our own work – that prevent children and families from reaching their full potential. Fortunately, when we remove barriers and invest in populations who have traditionally been denied access, everyone in our community benefits.

Our work is rooted in understanding our communities' experiences and needs. By actively listening, building relationships, and understanding community conditions, we are co-creating solutions with historically marginalized communities. In doing so, we can reduce gaps in access, expand opportunities, and ultimately improve outcomes for everyone.

Our commitment to equity guides how we engage with our communities, where we invest resources, and who makes decisions. It also informs how we recruit and retain staff, board members, and volunteers, what policies we create, and the culture and space we cultivate together.  

This is work we must all do together, United. We invite you to work with us to create a community where we all thrive.

*We define “marginalized groups” as those who face disparities due to the historical oppression and ongoing societal mistreatment of people based on their race, ethnicity, language, country of origin, immigration status, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability status, geographical location, income, housing status, or any other aspect of their identity or circumstance.   

In 2021, United Way began a long-term commitment to invest substantial resources in communities of color to build power, influence, access, and wealth - by launching a new Racial Justice Fund. The fund is guided by an advisory council of local leaders of color, and is continually being shaped by listening sessions and conversations with people of color throughout Lane County. Learn more about the Racial Justice Fund here.

If you have questions or want to learn more, please contact us at racialjustice@unitedwaylane.org or 541-357-5713.